Have you ever just wished that you made a certain amount of money; you drove 'that' car; you had 'that' house; you had "time" to do the things 'you' wanted to do. Do you wish you were a certain age, weight, pant size, etc. The grass isn't always greener on the other side. Have you noticed how all this has something to do with a number - it's never a Number! Do you think that when you get "that money", or "that car", or "that house" that you will be happier than you are now?
You have to live for now not for later.
You cannot think for a moment that being 20, 30, or 40 is going to change that. That the ideal weight will make you happier, whatever that 'ideal' weight is. That number that you put out there that will change the way you look or feel about yourself.
Why can we not be happy with the way things are now? Is it because we want to conform to what we see on social media. Is their life that much better than yours? Sometimes the problem isn't so much about finding out for yourself, but allowing yourself to believe that you deserve it. Acknowledge that you too, deserve to be happy!
