Growing up in a big family and watching my dad treat my mom like a queen every day was an example to me of how I wanted to be treated and the type of guy I wanted to marry. Men be an example to the boys/men you are raising or are around. Treat your Wife/Mother every day with love, respect, service, kindness, random gifts, etc.

Mother's Day is going to be celebrated, this year, on May 12th, 2019! However, shouldn't we celebrate the Women/Mom/Wife every day? An appreciation note given randomly; a compliment - "you are looking HOT," because she probably is! Helping with dinner, cleaning the house, taking the kids for a day, just because... Mother's Day should be celebrated every day!
There is no one perfect way to be a good Wife/Mother. Each situation is unique. We all have different challenges, different skills and abilities, and certainly different spouses and children. What matters is that you love those who you are surrounded by every day. Prioritize you and them above everything else! Amid the plethora of life's demands, let us remember to take time to teach those we love to love others every day!
Girl, STOP being so hard on yourself.
Girl, STOP beating yourself up.
You are doing your best with what you have been given. Your spouse, your kids, your family love you for who you are!
