There's a story behind every person. There's a reason why they're the way they are. Think about that before you judge someone. We are not worthy enough to judge.
The gentleman that accidentally cut you off in traffic, might have just gotten a phone call that turned his world upside down. Smile and Wave.
The woman who accidentally bumped the cart into your ankles at the grocery store is wondering how she is going to pay for her groceries she so desperately needs. Smile and Wave.
What about those who are struggling with depression and are contemplating suicide? What about those who are struggling with fertility, or the loss of a loved one? What about infidelity, pornography, betrayal, and lies? You could be that light, that smile, that one person who will make a difference to someone who is genuinely struggling. Smile and Wave.
My Dad is a prime example of making someone else's day. He may know you and he may not know you from Adam, but what he does know is how to put a smile on someone's face. He will Smile and Wave as you pass him on the road, in the grocery store, or on the street - he has a way of being a light for you! Be like my Dad - Smile and Wave.
When it's your turn and you're having a bad day - remember the golden rule "treat others as you would want to be treated."
